Celebrating 50 Years of Ocean Science for a Better World
Founded in 1971, 港科海洋研究所是一个世界级的研究机构,专注于探索海洋环境, 研究关键物种,了解人类与海洋之间的联系. In 2007, Harbor Branch joined Florida Atlantic University, 进一步将我们的项目扩展到佛罗里达东海岸100多英里的地方. Located in St. Lucie County, 我们位于印度河泻湖沿岸144英亩的校园雇佣了200多名科学家, engineers, educators, staff and students.
Marine Ecosystem Conservation
自FAU港口分部成立以来,深入了解沿海和海洋中脆弱生态系统的功能一直是我们的主要研究重点之一. 从多样化的栖息地到它们所支持的受保护的海洋生物, 我们考察了他们对沿海土地开发等压力的反应, nutrient and plastics pollution, ocean acidification, warming temperatures and overfishing. 研究结果对决策者制定合理的保护措施至关重要, 管理和恢复战略,以帮助保护和拯救我们的海洋.
Ocean Health: Human Health
海洋中充满了生命,有可能为人类面临的一些最具破坏性的疾病提供治疗方法. 海洋生物医学和生物技术研究是FAU海港分校的标志,拥有持续的联邦资助和国际声誉. 我们的科学家仔细研究了在珊瑚礁内和周围发现的来自动植物的天然化学物质和化合物, resulting in promising drugs and therapeutics for the future. 虽然水生环境是治疗的来源,但它也可能是疾病的来源. 对于不断变化的环境条件和有害藻华(HABs)如何影响生态系统和人类健康,目前还没有充分的了解. FAU港口分部对这个问题进行了研究,评估了真正的风险.
Aquaculture Innovation and Food Security
More than 50% of the seafood we eat comes from aquaculture, but less than 1% is produced in the United States. 未来40年,全球对海产品的需求预计将翻一番. From seaweed to fish, FAU Harbor Branch research has advanced aquaculture in Florida, the United States and internationally. 我们的工作旨在提供水产养殖企业所需的研究和技术进步, allowing them to prosper and increase the supply of nutritious, safe and high-quality domestic seafood.
Technological Innovation and National Defense
工程先进技术是揭开深海生态系统奥秘以及它们如何造福人类的首要解决方案, like revealing new sources for medical drugs, food and energy resources. 加强对所有佛罗里达人和美国公民的安全保障是非常重要的. FAU港口分部与主要国防承包商和美国国防部合作.S. 以更好地了解海军运作的海洋环境和生物, chemical, and physical processes that regulate that environment.
FAU Harbor Branch research scientists take a global approach, conducting studies around the world in varying climates, ecosystems and cultures.
Trusted Leadership
- Consortium for Ocean Leadership
- IRL National Estuary Program Management Council
- Florida Ocean Alliance
- Florida Institute of Oceanography
- Florida Sea Grant
- Florida Governor’s Blue-Green Algae Task Force
- Florida Red Tide Mitigation Technical Advisory Council
- 国家海洋渔业局海洋哺乳动物搁浅网络
- 美国国家海洋和大气管理局海洋勘探、研究和技术合作研究所,主要成员
- National Aquaculture Association
- 东南沿海海洋观测研究协会
- Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS)
- National Association of Marine Laboratories
- Southern Association of Marine Laboratories
Science that Informs Change
When it comes to the coastal and ocean environment, FAU港口分部是政府官员和机构值得信赖的领导者和专家资源. 我们在向关键决策者提供可靠的科学方面发挥着关键作用,因为他们正在权衡与环境政策和管理有关的重要决策.
Now more than ever, 我们迫切需要了解海洋,以及如何最好地管理这个复杂的生态系统,以造福社会. FAU港口分部是本着探索海洋的精神成立的,旨在揭开深海的奥秘. To this day, the Institute relentlessly pursues innovative ocean research, 同时提供一流的教育项目,引导我们解决海洋和我们面临的最紧迫的问题.”
FAU Harbor Branch
Executive Director
Educating the Community & Training the Next Generation
FAU港口分校从事国际相关研究,吸引了各种各样的学生. 我们为攻读海洋科学学位的学生提供正规的教育机会, engineering or related fields. For the community, 我们的使命:海洋发现推广和公民科学计划旨在培养海洋素养. In addition, 当地学区的海洋和海洋学院高中就设在现场,并利用了我们教育团队的专业知识.
- Mission: Ocean Discovery
- Summer Internship Program
- Semester by the Sea
- Marine and Oceanographic Academy
- M.S. Marine Science and Oceanography
Quick Facts
Fort Pierce, Florida
144 Acres, 32 Facilities
200+ Scientists, Staff & Students
How You Can Help